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It's Always Something

The trials and tribulations of your almost normal wacked-out mid-western several-times-over blended family.

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Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Barbie VS June

The whole family went to a wedding reception for Todd's cousin Anne on Saturday. Jessica and her friend Matt (whom none of us had ever met, yet) got done early from what they were doing and hung out at our house for a while before we had to leave to hit the Radisson.

After I was dressed in my borrowed black silk dress (that story is a whole different post) Jess said it was "too big", (I did get her approval on the shoes, though) I was tying Todd's tie when she said to Matt, "See? It's Barbie and June Cleaver, I told you." To which Matt, thoroughly agreed.

Ok, I joke about it, and there are people at work who call me Barbie. My husband has been known to call me Barbie on several occasions. While we were shopping for the Yukon it was always "Barbie wants a sunroof and leather seats". I guess I just never thought that I would be described to unknown others as Barbie meets June. It seems...odd. Deameaning in a shallow, brainless, every little girl's dream, though not so much, kind of way. Not really something I would have aspired to in my adult life.

Sunday, I told
Dave the story after dinner and he and Todd decided that I need to get up 2 hours before everyone else, so no one ever has to see me in curlers. They said I've been slacking on my morning food duties and I wear no aprons. Breakfast should be ready and waiting when the rest of them get up and I also need to go to bed before him so he doesn't have to see me without make up on.

Um, yeah, whatever, dream on there boys. You are all spoiled rotten already, so don't push your luck.

Now, I wonder which Barbie they are referring to...

I'm almost embarassed to say I own these 2.

Todd got me Harley Ken for our first Christmas together.

I think this is what is called North Minneapolis Barbie.

I don't dress like this at the gym, I SWEAR.

Um, not so much.

....I asked Todd and he says I'm Norman Bates Barbie.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Overheard Conversations At My House

Todd: I saw you win the US Open last night.

Amy: What the???

Todd: It was you, only 20 years ago. Some chick that plays tennis. She's tall and lanky and can't control herself, just like you must have been when you were 19.

Amy: I hate you. I live in solace that you will always be older and fatter. I want her body, though.

Todd: Wow! Me, too!

Later that day...

Jack: I'm going to fill this squirt gun with spit and shoot it at girls.

Amy: Um...okay...good for you, you aren't allowed to date until you are 40, anyway.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Our Last Vacation Until (HOPEFULLY!) Next Year

Ok, so, there is only so much "family bonding" I can take in one month. First, we went to Duluth and stayed in the Radisson. I was able to run in the mornings on the shore of Lake Superior, which was pretty damn cool.

Then, we went to a wedding!
Awwwww, aren't they cute?
'Bout effing time, dammit.
I just realized I taught him how to pee in the big potty. Holy crap, I'm old.
Then, we decided it would be a good idea to drive to Chicago and take the kids to 6 Flags. I ran on the shore of Lake Michigan that morning. (OMG, it was AWESOME, running along the beach, in the sand, no one around, way effing cool)
Then, we went to the park. Don't they look happy? And dry? Yeah, about 5 second later it started to rain and did for the next 3 hours. Did that stop us??? HELL, NO!!! We drove from Duluth for this crap, we were TROOPERS! That's me, right there in the middle. Can't you see it? Good Lord, get your eyes checked. Todd said it was always really easy to find us on rides since I stole Jack's raincoat and had on my super cool visor I got from my boss (by accident and wouldn't give back) that he got as a gift from my other boss, from an EXCLUSIVE golf course in Arizona named Whisper Rock. I wear it when I run around the lake, so I can make the golfers jealous. Yeah, me and golf is almost as good as me and guns. We went on almost every ride. It did eventually stop raining, and I found out Ross hates vacationing with us since Todd and I fight over everything.
Seriously, we just bicker, I think we should have been Italian. Or maybe Greek. No, wait, I think Jewish. Yeah, that's the ticket.