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It's Always Something

The trials and tribulations of your almost normal wacked-out mid-western several-times-over blended family.

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Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Mommy Goes Postal October 06

Looks frighteningly similar, doesn't it?
I love my son. More than anything in the world, but he also has the ability to drive me right over the edge without even really trying.
From his swimming teacher, "He has a hard time listening, has good potential, but doesn't seem to want to improve".
From his school teacher, "He needs to be told over and over again to pay attention. He's very bright, but is easily distracted, and doesn't follow directions."
From the school guidance counselor, "Maybe he needs to see a new therapist."
From my priest, "And your son is the most go-with-the-flow of them all." Then, he sorta grimaced.
It brings me back to my entrance evaluation to Kindergarten, 31 years ago, "Amy is very bright, but manipulative and controlling." Wow, the apple sure didn't far from the tree here.
I never remember my mother being called into school because I was being disruptive in class. I've been in twice so far this year and it's only October.
So, when Jack showed up on Sunday night from his father's with none of his school project worked on (which was what he was supposed to do with his 4 days off) and his school work and planner missing, I kinda lost it.
Dave says I went nuclear. Todd said I just cost myself thousands for Jack in therapy bills.
Yes, I flipped out. But, after getting the 45 minute lecture from his teacher last Wednesday where she basically said, You Are A Sucky Mother With A Problem Child. I just lost it.
Don't get me wrong, when Jack turns in his work, he gets straight "A's", he just can't remember to turn anything in or write his name on his paper, or bring his homework home, or remember his planner, library books, spelling, brain...
So, therefore, Mommy lost it.
Jack is going to be going through 1st Reconciliation soon (ie, confession) so I tried the "when we do something wrong it effects everyone around us", and "Not listening is being disrespectful to your teacher and everyone else in the class", along with "Your behavior is very disappointing".
None of it has worked, so now it has come to this:
I'll let you know how it goes.


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