Ok, So I Fell Down The Stairs

It was more of a I-fell-on-the-stairs vs down-the stairs...and this is sorta what it looked like, but less hairy and I don't wear boxers. Todd just wouldn't let me put a picture of my left butt cheek on the internet.
It happened almost 2 weeks ago and I can finally type without wincing. I bruised my wrist tendons and my butt so bad it is STILL dented and severly bruised. I, actually, rival the rollergirls bruise gallery
I need to hold it when I run up stairs, since it hurts when it jiggles, but when I run, it goes numb after the first 3 or 4 blocks, so at least I can still enjoy the scenery around Harriet. Well, only at about 6 am since it's so stanking hot here that is the only time I'm willing to leave the house to run around the lake. Over 100 degrees for DAYS on end...gross!
I have spent the past couple weeks fighting with our wireless internet connection (no, I haven't gotten it working, yet) and dealing with the normal every-day fun of the cube farm. I worked overtime last week...Jack came with and helped and then curled up on the bottom shelf of one of our file carts and played his gameboy. Everyone thought he was SOOOOO cute and he was handsomely paid with 3 ghost shrimp, a new algae eater, and a new African dwarf frog for his fish tank, and the frog promptly died on Thursday. I found him belly up in the bottom of the tank with the one ghost shrimp that didn't disappear licking it's dead leg (Insert frog leg joke here).
I'm off to do the weekly grocery shopping and hoping I don't die of heat stroke in the process. I promise to update more if anything interesting happens, like Ginger wins the weiner dog race we are entering her in.
Oh, you KNOW there will be a whole post for that day!