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It's Always Something

The trials and tribulations of your almost normal wacked-out mid-western several-times-over blended family.

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Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States

Monday, February 06, 2006

It's Winter!

Another Monday has come around and winter has finally reached us. We took advantage on Friday night and went sledding with the boys. We were the only people there, it was great! They both kept going over the one jump and landing on the hard, frozen, packed snow, rolling off the sleds and laying on the ground, spread eagle, waiting for their breath to come back and they could move. You could hear the "OOMPH" from all the way up the hill. Todd and I just kept laughing and laughing, partly because they just kept running up the hill and doing it over and over. Jack kept saying, "Your turn, Mom!" and after they were worn out, I gave it a go. I was the highlight of the evening since I went over the jump, and may I stress *I* went over the jump. Unfortunately, the sled hit the edge of the jump and I kept going, I think I made it about 4 feet in the air and stopped about 20 feet away from the jump. Leave it to me to cause the children to laugh so hard they both looked like they were going to pee in their snowpants. And people say I'm no fun!

Saturday, I sent the boys to the movies so I could clean the house. They saw Nanny McPhee and Jack didn't like it at all. Ross thought it was fine. Todd...well, Todd didn't say anything, so no thumbs up for this flick. I just read the synopsis and it looks kind of interesting, I'll have to find out why Jack didn't like it. Maybe the "dark and witty" were either too dark or the wit too dry.

We had Todd's mom, brother, and nephews over for dinner Saturday and we soon found out, when I hooked up Nephew's iPod to the computer (yes, I know, glutton for punishment!! I was hoping he was going to start requesting 80's metal bands, ok???!!!) that Todd had killed the computers. He got this GREAT NEW PROGRAM that will CLEAN OUT all of the EXTRA CRAP on our computers. Well, now they both are having massive issues and some Microsoft Installer pops up every time you open a folder or program and it spins for about 30 seconds before you can do anything. I couldn't get my mp3 player to even talk to the computer, so...um...yeah, I really want a laptop with a big LOCK and maybe sirens that go off if someone touches it besides me. I think Todd is calling in the big guns (ie, my dad) to help him fix them. Sigh. I love you, Todd, I really, really, do. But, I don't want to share computers with you. I'll share my bed, my children, my taxes, my retirement, my dinner, and even my grave plot, but my computer? I think that's where the line will have to be drawn.

As I sit here in the farm looking at the skyline of New York pre-September 2001, (BOY! Doing that sky must have SUCKED!! Yes, yes it really did.) I'm thinking the rest of my cube decor is somehow lacking. I need wallpaper, or something. This gigantic puzzle is just consuming my whole cube.

If anyone suggests a second puzzle, I will haunt you forever.


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