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It's Always Something

The trials and tribulations of your almost normal wacked-out mid-western several-times-over blended family.

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Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States

Friday, January 27, 2006

Becky Homecky Volume 4 How to Survive Life in the Cube Farm

I don't talk about my job because, well, it's boring. If I had an exciting job, like, say, a U.N. Ambassador or, maybe, a top notch photographer for the paparazzi, a US Navy Fighter Pilot, a high class call girl, or even a stunt man in Hollywood, I'd have all sorts of interesting stories to tell about my days at work. But, alas, I'm a keyboard monkey in a cube farm. Sigh.
Spending your day in the confines of 4 padded walls does a lot to test your sanity, so I took an informal poll of how we cope and survive the Farm.

Here are the results:

Donna- coffee, IM, stretching, coffee, kvetching (I think that's yiddish for bitching)

Jessica- I don't.

Phil-Well, being demented, insane and half-blind has helped a whole lot.

Kathleen- How do I survive? I write to people I used to work with and make them think they're my friends. I like messing with their heads. Not you guys. Other people I used to work with.

Karin- It grows on you, kinda like a fungus.

Nathan-I have to say that having Phil demented and half blind does make it easier. Past that I do a lot of giggling and rocking back and forth.

Roberta-Define surviving.

Amy- Um, are you dead, yet?
Roberta-Define dead.

Nathan-I did see Roberta roaming the halls moaning "braiiiinnnssss" over and over again..

James- One day at a time... and just barely. And I don't call it the cube farm... I call it Jail.
And the following is a list of necessities that makes it just barely tolerable:

1. i-Pod
2. Coffee
3. people to talk to that don't suck: like you, Joy, Jill, Adrianne, and about twenty other friends that I email everyday constantly rather than actually working
4. hangover remedies, such as Chasers:
5. sarcasm
6. think about jobs that have been worse*

* drawing a blank (just kidding again, I love it here!!!! - see #5)

Well, there you have it. Emails, instant messaging, web surfing, taking walks to get away from your desk, lots of coffee, and drinking heavily when away from the office.

Sorry this is our Thursday column on Friday, but we're swamped, so suffer.


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