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It's Always Something

The trials and tribulations of your almost normal wacked-out mid-western several-times-over blended family.

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Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Jack's First Communion

Awwww, aren't they cute? I realized that I have sufficiently brainwashed my child into the Catholic religion when he corrected me..."No, Mom, it really IS the body of Christ."

So, does that make us cannibals?

I was trying to decide if it was worse that I bought my son Buddy Christ for his First Communion, or that I had to go to a head shop to find it.

The jury is still out.

Jack did great, though, he was really excited, and Todd and I walked him up for the Eucharist. We ate a bunch of food afterwards and I had enough leftovers so my fellow cube farmers ate really well on Monday and Tuesday.

Lucky me, I am sick again, (damn cube farm sickies!) but I seem to be fighting it off pretty well, just a runny nose and I beat the fever and throat thing that was creeping up on me yesterday.

Ick. Ick. Ick.

I'm going to go get ready for the day (ugh!!) and tomorrow is the MS walk we are doing to do to help raise money for Dr. Whitney. She found out last year she has MS. I wish I knew more, but I know , in general, it's not fun.

Not to be a total downer, and to bring some comic relief...Todd showed up a minute (really, 60 seconds!!!) early to pick up Jack and my ex-husband called the police. It was drama at it's true form.

Did I mention the ex has to go to court on the 18th? Oh, yeah...non-payment of child support with a 9 month jail sentance hanging over his head.
And people think life isn't funny!
I wish I had a camera.


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