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It's Always Something

The trials and tribulations of your almost normal wacked-out mid-western several-times-over blended family.

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Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Becky needs a vacation...

What can I say? I've been working a lot lately. 2 fifty hour weeks back to back tend to run me ragged.

Todd's new mistress, High Definition Television, consumes most of his home hours...along with his electric drum set. He wasn't kidding when he asked "Why do I ever need to go upstairs??" He also still hasn't grasped that I REALLY DON'T CARE and would be happy with my 10 year old CRAIG 19" TV. I said that to him, and he looked at me as though I was speaking French, which is the WORST thing I could do...and don't get him started on Normandy. (Todd: "The water was RED WITH THE BLOOD OF OUR BOYS!!! And they did NOTHING!!" yadda, yadda, yadda, be happy you got the short version.)

Oscar is "vacationing" at Grandpa's house, since he kept giving Ginger the "look" (see polite term for climbing on her at every opportunity and following her around with his snout up her koochie koo) and growling at everyone when they got close to her. Yes, she's still in her "season" (see polite term for bleeding like a stuck pig) and we will get her fixed as soon as it's over. There's still a part of me that wants puppies. There's also still a part of me that wants more kids, but then I come to my senses.

We are taking a vacation from April 2-5th and I haven't told Jack where we are going, only that it has a salad dressing named after it. Heh Heh Heh.

Jack: "Ranch? Dorothy Lynch? Blue cheese?"

Amy: "Ha ha ha, um, no."

Jack: "Awwww, come on tell me!!!"

Amy: "No, this is one of those times it's fun to be a parent so you can torture your kids."

Jack: (digging through the fridge) "France? Caesar?"

Amy: "Hrmmm, no. Keep guessing"

Next, I'll tell him it rhymes with ballerina.


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