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It's Always Something

The trials and tribulations of your almost normal wacked-out mid-western several-times-over blended family.

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Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Hello? Amy? Did you die???

Alas, no, I'm still with the living, sorta.

I STILL have this damn cold, though it's v e r y s l o w l y leaving. Every day is a little better than the one before it, but, yes, it's been over a week and a half. Stupid me even put in overtime last week, because, I'm a dumbass who loves money.

Let's see, what have we been up to....well, I've been working, Todd's been working, and Ross came over Saturday to hang out with us since he had strep throat and wanted a change of scenery from a new couch. Or he wanted to spread it around...I'm kind of suspicious. Jack 's been doing the Jack thing, and we are babysitting my granddoggy Cupcake until Jessica gets back from Kansas.

Amy to Cupcake the 5 pound Pomeranian: "YEA! Mommy's in Witchita and coming home tomomrrow!! Woo Hoo!" To which, Cupcake goes nuts and prances around the house.
I could tell her "YEA! We decided to shave your body and sell your fur to the less fortunate!" and as long as it sounded good, she'd be all for it. As Jessica says, "She's beautiful, she doesn't need brains." So true.

I DID find out Sunday, that nothing makes your long-ass cold feel better than a solo trip to the mall to shop for things you really don't need. I think I was inspired by the overtime in my paycheck, so, um, yeah, it's pretty much a wash.

Other than that, I'm super busy at work, barely surviving otherwise, but at least I look hot in my new duds and accessories.

And as Fernando says, "It's better to look good, than to feel good."

If you remember that, you are officially an old fart.


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