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It's Always Something

The trials and tribulations of your almost normal wacked-out mid-western several-times-over blended family.

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Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States

Monday, December 05, 2005

In the Meadow We Can Build a Snowman

I love Christmas. I spent 5 hours running errands and shopping on Saturday and I have to say, it was glorious. Ok, not the money spending part, that is always icky, but I am so good at living in denial, I can ignore that in December. I was planning on finishing up on Sunday, but I got a call from Joanne and we put together a big care package for Andrew since he's stationed in Iraq. So, I spent all day Sunday baking. Jessica came over and she did all the dough making and I just kept cleaning up after her. Flour was flying everywhere, and I have dishpan hands, but I got everything done I wanted to for Andrew's package. Then, I started freaking out that I didn't get any of the other errands done then I realized IT'S ONLY THE 4TH OF DECEMBER!

Oh, yeah, I have 3 weeks left.

On Saturday evening, Todd and I went to a surprise party for one of his cousins. Let me set the stage:
Elk River (ie, bfe), basement of random bar, 100% smoking participation of said patrons of bar, classic rock music played by DJ, Todd and I knowing one person there.
I could go into a lot more detail, but I think it's more fun to let you imagine. I can say that even though the anti-smoking policy of Hennepin county is wrong, I wasn't feeling that so much when I was trying to get the smell of stale smoke out of my new winter coat, hair, skin, clothing, and bedding the next day. And, I USED TO SMOKE! Ick. Filthy habit, I'm glad I quit.

I did find out that Todd still gets invites to his high school reunions and now I want to go to one since I will never go to mine. I graduated from High School in Jackson, Mississippi, and I believe it would take a team of wild rabid horses to drag me down there again. I left about 12 hours after graduation and have no desire to return. not. ever. I just want to go to one so I can laugh and make fun of all the old, fat, and bald people. Ok, so that's not very Christmasy of me, but I am human, after all. And a bad petty, petty girl.

We turned in Jack's Thomas Edison project today and I took pictures so I could post them for all of you to see, but alas, they never came through, so I'll do another post with the project and our annual Christmas Tree Hunt.

In the meantime, enjoy the picture of Jason's dog, Oscar, whom I believe, is suing for defamation of character due to antlers.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ever since Sandy gave me your website, I absolutely love coming in and reading your entries. It's so nice to know that my 3-ring circus of 4 kids, a husband and a couple of exes is the only humor out there. Keep up the great blog! Beth Swearingen, Oto,Iowa (David's 2nd daughter).

9:44 AM  

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