There Once Was A Man From Nantucket...
I love this picture, though it has nothing to do with this post, and ...
Good Lord, get your mind out of the gutter! You sicken me.So, we went camping again... We hiked, it rained, I was eaten alive by mosquitoes, but I have to say, by Monday, when I recovered, I ran 3 miles with no effort at all. Gotta love that.
During my sleepless night on Saturday, when I fell over at 7:30pm and then woke up at 11:30 and couldn't fall back asleep, I discovered the show "House". Ok, Mom, Dad, I think in the years...this would be the only thing you agree on....this show is awesome. You love to hate the genius, bastard star of the show.
P.S. I love TIVO.
So, we are sliding over Nightmare on Camping Street 2 and going on with "Amy Lays Around All" Oh wait, do I count all the stuff I've done in the past 9 years? Then, we are down to "Amy Lays Around All Weekend 1.5". I try to remember some morning I didn't have to get out of bed at O'dark hundred, but it alludes me, so, I guess there is none.
Out of tremendous pain and agony (800mg of Advil did NOTHING) (and 4 hour T.V. marathon due to "House" induced lack of sleep) I didn't make the rest of the FAM get up for church. Then, my Catholic Guilt Child says, "I really wanted to go to church so I could have communion."
Ok, so you are an alcoholic at age 8. Good for you on embracing your heritage, now go back to sleep.
Then, came "AMY GOES POSTAL" June 2006. I pay bills once a month. I HATE paying bills. It's not so much that I am actually giving people money as the fact everyone has different password and sign on requirements so I have to keep some dumb-ass log so I can sign on to all this crap. If you try to do it online, they quit sending you a bill, so you are forced to use their crappy online bill paying service. Gawd, after Sunday, I am surprised my family still talks to me.
Todd's reload of the hard drive erased EVERYTHING I had saved since the beginning of the year for my checkbook. Cingular, TIVO, and Capital One over-charged us to the tune of 950 dollars. No one was available to answer our calls since I was doing this on Sunday. Grrrrrr.
So, today, I bought a new computer. I will double password protect it, no one is allowed to touch it, but me.
I love Todd. I really do, but he has this incessant need to take crap apart. He can build you a kick-ass computer, but he can't deal with the software part of it. I remember one day, a couple years ago, when I was installing my new 120g back up hard drive:
Amy: "Don't take the computer apart until I come home."
Todd: " Ok, I won't."
Amy: "No, seriously Todd, you are not allowed to touch this computer until I come home, don't open it!"
Todd: "Ok, I promise, I won't."
So, needless to say, I came home and the inside of the computer was all over my living room. Thankfully, I called my computer guru and he helped me put it back together, but Todd has this NEED to take things apart and find out how they work. It's been happening since he was 3 and he took his soon-to-be adoptive-father's 1962 am radio apart to see what parts were in it.
So, I bought a new computer, which no one is allowed to breathe on, much less use, and I have recovered from Camping Trip From Hell, and thankfully, Ross doesn't hate me as much as he used to.
On that pretty note, I will bid you good night, since I need to put Jack to bed, and I think I will go start an argument on circumcision of infant boys with my husband.
Oh, wait, that was last night.
Eh, what the hell, it gave me control of the remote for a few hours out of pure frustration....for him.
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