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It's Always Something

The trials and tribulations of your almost normal wacked-out mid-western several-times-over blended family.

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Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States

Monday, August 22, 2005

The Wedding is Right Around the Corner

Mary, who is such a goddess, came over on Saturday to help me prep food for the reception. It was a long, yet somehow humorous experience, since Todd and Ross spent the afternoon working on this:

That would be Ross's mini-bike. It's sort of a scooter and motorcycle wrapped in a tiny package. Todd had fun riding around the neighborhood and the running joke was that he was getting ready for Sturgis. HA!
Mary and I, on the other hand were making these:

Mmmmmm, bacon. They will look much more appetizing cooked. We also made other things to eat:

Mmmmm, gorgonzola....

Those are spinach and artichoke salami cups. No fat in those babies. Actually, everything we made was low in fat. We used neufchatel and olive oil, so that counts, right? I suppose compared to a tub of lard...

It's almost like a tub of lard, but there's spinach in it, so that counter acts all the fat from the feta. Scientifically proven fact, I swear.

And that is one of the many red peppers I roasted for the red pepper salsa I made. Todd even liked it and he hates everything, nah, I'm kidding, but since his favorite dinner is tater tot hot dish, his opinion only counts for so much.

I think I was going for the trailer trash look in my wife beater tank, did I succeed? Yes, I think I did. Though, I was trying to save you all from picking long blonde hairs out of your food, too.

Now, isn't that an beautiful hand shot of my rolling those little tyropitas? Mary, you are awesome! She fired herself after about 5 minutes and decided that phyllo rolling wasn't her gig.

Then we have the pictures of the peanut gallery:

This is Jack showing off how big he is, and did you know he can stretch from one side of the Yukon to the other? WOW...you know he just keeps growing, I tried not feeding him, but he just got crabby.
And here is my little princess who, with her betrothed, rang those little bells constantly because they couldn't decide if it was more fun to watch Mary and I cook and wait for us to drop stuff on the floor, or watch the boys fix the mini bike. The true entertainment was the fuse that kept blowing and Ross running up and down the stairs about 50 times throwing the curcuit.

Yea, he looks all nice and innocent, but he's waiting until we wash our hands to ring the bells to go outside. Just...wipe...them...on...the...towel...and....
And then there's Ross:

Isn't that a lovely picture? We had a great weekend, except for the part where he crashed the mini bike and messed up his foot. Spending Sunday night in the ER in X-Ray is normal with boys, I hear, though I prefer not to experience it anytime soon. He was on his way home from the store with the cherry pie filling for the cherry turnovers I was making for him when it happened, so I guess it's my fault. I'm terrible. Though, the turnovers were good and he enjoyed many of them when he got home from the hospital.

Another fun filled weekend at the Swenson/Evavold/Frazee household that makes me kind of glad that Monday is here and I can sit in my cube with a little bit of peace. Ahhh, the padded walls are so calming....


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