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It's Always Something

The trials and tribulations of your almost normal wacked-out mid-western several-times-over blended family.

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Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States

Monday, August 01, 2005

It's a Monday!

Every once in a while, just when I am thinking I have most of my life together, I do something really stupid that makes me realize I'm just an idiot. This weekend, I walked right into a door frame. It didn't jump out in front of me, I wasn't carrying anything, I just walked right into it. Thankfully, the big red mark disappeared this morning. And people wonder why I say I am handicapped.
About the duplex, it's almost done!! Lei signed her new lease last night and Todd is over there finishing up...the floors look great, see??

and the kitchen is done...wait, those are the wrong pictures. Never mind, I'll post them later.
So, all in all, the place looks great. The yard and garage need some more work, but we can do that this fall AFTER the wedding.
Besides the door frame and the fact I think I have an alien growing inside of me, everything's great. I've had heartburn for 5 days now and symptoms (ok, I was in denial) for about a month. I see a doctor tomorrow and I scheduled it late in the day because I handle bad news better when I can go home and cry about it. Todd thinks the aliens may be related to stress. Wedding stress, remodeling stress, and ex stress. I just keep my fingers crossed and hope for karma, soon!
I've also been working on the cd Todd would like me to put together for the wedding. I listened to most of the songs I picked out for it while I was painting this weekend. I DO have to say, it's totally us, and completely out there and all over the board. We've got Bob Schneider (of course, heeeellllloooooo???) Sonny and Cher, Ray Lamontagne, Etta James, The Beatles, and much, much more! We are making copies for those of you twisted enough to join us for the special day and for those of you not lucky enough to come and eat all our food, tough luck. Maybe someone will do a b&p for you.
Jack and I started reading Harry Potter 6 and the little cheater skipped to the end to find out who dies! And the worst part is HE TOLD ME!!! Bah, Todd would only let him watch the last 5 minutes of the Simpons for the rest of the night. I think Jack got the point. I ended up finishing the book, so if you care to discuss any of the fine points of the book and any theories coming up, feel free to let me know. I have several ideas and can't discuss them with Jack since he hasn't read the whole book. Rotten lil' stinker.
Thankfully, Monday comes and there's no paint, no remodeling, and things are relatively quiet and safe in my little cubicle. No doors to walk into and little action from the alien, ahhhhhhhhh....


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